A Rescue in Rogers Pass

The day has started off grey, with the beautiful promise of a coming snowfall on the tip of the mountains tongue. But in this moment, that promise seemed daunting. Further we watched the ceiling fall and close in. We saw less and less of the surrounding mountain tops and the gentle falling of snow was like the first signs of fear, the first heightening of senses, the cautionary feeling entering your movements.

Powder Rush

Powder Rush Awake. It’s 6:30am, I immediately look out the window and see what I’ve been hoping for since I began following the low pressure weather forecast a few days ago – a calm sea of white doused on top of everything. Every detail, from the entirety of my old Ford Escape to the centimeter-thick…

Zen and The Art of Ski Touring

Zen and the Art of Ski Touring Sliding my feet in that familiar cross-country motion, I take a look at my surroundings; karst mountain peaks ripple the landscape as far as I can see, I’m surrounded by a strange variety of trees seemingly mummified in a blanket of windblown snow and ice, as the sun…

Late Season Winter Camping – Who Needs Snowshoes?

Late Season Winter Camping In Algonquin – Who Needs Snowshoes? There’s something about the calming white abyss and the feeling of complete isolation that forges a passion for winter camping within a person. For my girl and I, it’s pristine wilderness without the bugs or people; a place where a warm fire really does make…

An Ocean of White – Winter Camping in Algonquin’s Interior

Despite having traversed Algonquin’s interior many times from May-October I never had once tried out winter camping, until now. I suppose it was the initial purchase of snowshoes that I decided, “hey, I might as well get some use out of these”. So with a steady heart I threw out a general Facebook message and…