How to Avoid Staring at Your Feet

How to Avoid Starring at Your Feet. The snow-capped face of Annapurna III stares down at each weary trekker that passes by her cascading rock surface; almost instinctively you try not to look her in the eye, making yourself content to simply stare down at your own two feet as they try to avoid puddles…

Foody Friday – Dal Baht Power, 24-hour

Foody Friday: Dal Baht Power, 24-Hour Dal Baht is simply what Nepal lives on. It’s the energy of the country, it’s the fuel that fills the bellies of the mountain giants, it’s delicious, and it’s every budget travellers dream. Dal Baht for a large number of Nepalese is simply the staple dish of the country….

Trekking in Nepal – Langtang Trail

Trekking in Nepal – Langtang Trail The snow-capped face of Langtang Lirung stares down at each weary trekker that passes by her cascading rock surface, which presides in the closest trekking region to Kathmandu, Langtang. Here you can enjoy the unfrequented passes that give but a glimpse into Tibet and partake on a pilgrimage travelled…

Trekking in Nepal – Complete Guide to Tamang Heritage Trail

Tamang Heritage Trail – Langtang National Park The Tamang Heritage Trail in Langtang National Park slightly differs from both Langtang and Annapurna in that the sheer size and immensity of the surrounding mountains is not the chief attraction. Rather, as the name suggests, the heritage trail takes you through a series of small traditional villages….