Powder Rush

Powder Rush Awake. It’s 6:30am, I immediately look out the window and see what I’ve been hoping for since I began following the low pressure weather forecast a few days ago – a calm sea of white doused on top of everything. Every detail, from the entirety of my old Ford Escape to the centimeter-thick…

Zen and The Art of Ski Touring

Zen and the Art of Ski Touring Sliding my feet in that familiar cross-country motion, I take a look at my surroundings; karst mountain peaks ripple the landscape as far as I can see, I’m surrounded by a strange variety of trees seemingly mummified in a blanket of windblown snow and ice, as the sun…

An Ocean of White – Winter Camping in Algonquin’s Interior

Despite having traversed Algonquin’s interior many times from May-October I never had once tried out winter camping, until now. I suppose it was the initial purchase of snowshoes that I decided, “hey, I might as well get some use out of these”. So with a steady heart I threw out a general Facebook message and…